Letting go

September 15, 2024

Ironically, the theme of letting go does not leave us throughout our lives. It appears in various forms: Letting go of objects, ideas, jobs, and even people. While letting go often feels burdensome in the short term - when it’s an active decision, it can also be relieving in the long term. Some people find it easier to let go, while others struggle with it. There are many resources on this topic, but I’m not particularly good at it.

For a long journey, one must temporarily let go of many things. For me, this means limiting myself to a minimum of belongings. I’m leaving my job and my comfort zone behind, along with many people.

In the week before my departure, I felt like I was on a farewell tour. I encountered many people I had grown close to and had to say goodbye to them for a long time. During this farewell tour, I was often quite emotional. Unpleasant thoughts also surfaced: Will my two nephews and my niece, who are now between 1 and 5 years old, still recognize me when I return? Will I see my 94-year-old grandmother again? How will the distance affect my relationship with Sofia, considering that I’ll be traveling without her for an extended period?

Then comes the uncomfortable moment of saying goodbye. No one really knows what to say, yet we all find something to express. This is usually followed by a hug, and then... well, you just leave. It’s a strange feeling.

I spent the first night of my journey at my parents' house. It was a wonderful evening, filled with good conversations and delicious food. The farewell the next day was tearful. I tried not to take it too much to heart and to show strength; anything else would have made it even harder.

This melancholic feeling accompanied me while cycling. However, with every kilometer I covered in those first days, the burden of letting go became a little lighter, and my anticipation of what lay ahead grew stronger.

Gradually, I began to realize that I had entered a completely new reality. Although I had anticipated my departure, I felt as if I had been suddenly pulled from my previous life and thrust into this new one. You can’t prepare for this.

The farewells also had a positive side for me: They reminded me of how many wonderful people surround me. This is one of life’s great absurdities: Often, you only recognize what you had once it’s (temporarily) gone.

I will carry all these people in my heart on my journey, and I’m convinced that I will return to them with a big backpack full of amazing experiences.



