
September 22, 2024

Suddenly, I find myself surrounded by endless rows of apple trees, stretching as far as the eye can see. And these aren’t just ordinary apple trees with a few fruits hanging here and there - they’re absolutely overflowing with large, juicy apples.

I’ve never seen so many apples on a tree, nor so many apple trees all together.

Here, tree after tree stands in perfect rows, each one fuller than the next. In some areas, I spot farmers starting the harvest, which seems to have only just begun. I can’t resist grabbing an apple and taking a big bite. Mmm... juicy and delicious. But it’s not just the fruit that impresses me - the bike path is fantastic, too.

I can easily cycle all the way to Merano today, where I’ve planned my first rest day. The town is famous for its thermal baths, which I’m eager to experience. Earlier this morning, I received a message from the hostel in Merano, letting me know they were fully booked. Still, I have a strong feeling that I shouldn’t worry or make alternate plans - I should just go there anyway. I rarely have such a clear instinct, so I trust it. Surely, someone will have canceled.

When I arrive at the hostel, a somewhat irritated and unfriendly woman confirms that they are indeed fully booked. Could my intuition have been wrong? She hands me a small note, suggesting I try another place just around the corner. With a bit of hope, I follow her advice, not wanting to lose faith in my gut feeling. And sure enough, I soon find myself in a cozy, clean room with a lovely private host, complete with a kitchen. My faith in my intuition is restored.

Things often turn out differently than we imagine, but usually for the better.

After a leisurely walk through the charming streets of Merano - where I spot a stunning rainbow - I cook myself a hearty meal, more than enough to satisfy my appetite. The next day, I’m looking forward to the thermal spa, with its saunas, honey steam bath, snow room, and more. But first, I enjoy a generous breakfast prepared by Wally, my host. She even does my laundry. I feel completely at home here. She’s the same age as my mom, which makes me feel even more comfortable, as she reminds me of her in many ways. I end up staying two nights - pure relaxation, exactly what I needed. Somewhat reluctantly, I leave this little paradise, refreshed and dressed in freshly laundered clothes, ready to continue my journey.



