
September 30, 2024

Starting from Trieste, I traveled through Slovenia into Croatia. The Istrian hinterland is hilly, and I cycled through countless elevations along the way. This area feels remote, far from the usual tourist paths. The villages seem almost deserted. With few cars passing by, I often have the roads to myself. Occasionally, I spot sheep or hear the distant calls of deer, a reminder that life still pulses through the forests surrounding me.

Out of nowhere, I meet Steve from France.

He’s been on the road for four years, traveling by bike, sailboat, and paraglider, having circumnavigated the globe. Now, he’s on his way home. Four years - I can’t even imagine that. He shares some helpful tips on apps for tracking wind and weather. He tells me how, before his journey, he was obsessed with the idea of exploring the world. I see a reflection of my own experience in his story. No one in his circle initially believed he would actually follow through. Many doubted that such a journey by bike was even possible. I can relate to that.

As we discuss my planned route and his completed one through the Balkans, he reminds me that you can’t see everything.

You must go with the flow and adapt to the weather.

I mention that Sofia will be joining me for part of the trip. "Traveling together by bike can be challenging," he says. "It requires a lot of mutual adjustment, and you have to get along, even under stress." He spent the first two years of his journey with his girlfriend, but their relationship eventually ended. However, he adds, traveling together can also strengthen a relationship.

I’ll keep his advice in mind, but ultimately, Sofia and I will have to create - and enjoy - our own experiences.



